Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sex, love and Vichyssoise

Julie and Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously Julie and Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously by Julie Powell

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
What a cute book. This book is a must for anyone who is a blogger and knows about the challenges of daily posting and the exhilaration of reading encouraging words from Internet strangers. The way Julie's story develops and intertwines with Julia Child's life, and the evolution of a basic cook that everyone can relate to who ends the book being able to make a nearly perfect pastry is a nice wrap up to the whole story.

It's also a great book about obsessions and symbolism. Julie compares her thrill in reading Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French cooking to her sneaking and reading The Joy of Sex behind closed doors when she was a younger girl, before she knew what sex was.

And in a way, she's right: French cooking is somehow mysterious and seems seductive in a way that makes the simplest dishes into gourmet meals. Take,for example, Vichyssoise. The English translation is cold potato leek soup. Yet the simplistic deliciousness makes it something I don't hesitate to share with the pickiest company. Also, it rolls off your tongue much better. Isn't it sexier to say "Vichyssoise" than "cold potato leek soup". (Plus it's really, really, REALLY good).

I'm looking forward to seeing the movie and will post an update to the review then. Until then, try the Vichyssoise. You won't be disappointed.

View all my reviews >>

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